Huaykaew Waterfall

Our 3 'scouts' Bill, Alan and Ozzy were kind enough to take me to the Huaykaew Waterfall in Mayao district. A lovely ride through steep mountains to get there. From the parking area, it was a 10 min walk through the jungle on a steep and rocky path, very picturesque though. No rain, a little sun so was good weather all morning.

Due to the nature of heading through the jungle to find these great locations, we will be adding some basic safety tips on the website.

The twin waterfalls are pretty, but there are logs and debris which spoil the photos somewhat. There is a good viewing platform, but this limits composition opportunities. Climbing down to the river bed is precarious, be very careful. Use of a long telephoto lens will enable some alternative compositions.

For more photos and information about Chiang Rai, take a look at our website. Thank you.