Tham Luang Caves

12 Footballers & Coach Rescue

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These are the caves which became internationally famous as the site of the rescue of 12 schoolboys and their football coach after becoming trapped deep inside after flood waters rose unexpectedly on Saturday 23 June 2018.

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Assistance of equipment for the rescue and all the people on site in support was supplied from around the world and especially from the Chiang Rai community, local and foreign.

An International rescue operation ensued, with professional divers from around the world, notably 3 cavers from the U.K. Vern Unsworth , Richard Staunton MBE and John Volanthen. Elements from various Military Units from abroad and of course the great work and effort from the Royal Thai Nay Seals.

British divers found the boys safe and well on 3 July, 4km inside the cave network, much to the relief of the watching world audience. Extraction of the boys started on 8 July and lasted 3 days to get all of them out. All survived.

Known as the Wild Boars Football Team, from Mae Sai District. They all continue to play football and are now a famous team.

The world was watching, the relief was immense. The boys were taken to Chiang Rai Hospital for initial assessment and treatment.

Saman Kunan, a former Thai navy diver and volunteer of the rescue mission, died between 01:00 to 02:00 after losing consciousness while placing spare diving cylinders underwater along the route to the stranded boys . This was the only unfortunate death of the mission. A statue in rememberance issituated at the learning centre at Tham Luang. His sacrifice will be remembered and honoured.

Visitors to the caves are many, this rescue will not be forgotten by those who witnessed it, nor followed the news. Opening hours are from 08.30 - 17.00 daily. Take a trip there and and make a donation to the cave rescuers. It’s a humbling experience.

Click here for location.

A good documentary on the rescue can be found here.