ban lom jen
Head towards Mae Yao and you’ll find this gem of a restaurant, Chiang Rai’s finest pizzas, bakery and accommodation.
ban lom jen
Friday is pizza day. All freshly made to order and baked on site in dedicated ovens. A busy day for staff and customers. Order in advance or socialise in the restaurant. Delicious Thai menu is mouth-watering too.
Voted #1 for pizza by the CREW!
ban lom jen
Sunday mornings the smell of freshly baked bread is a beautiful experience. Many types of breads, rolls, buns, pastries and sweets for your delight.
ban lom jen
Also enjoy the beautiful views of the surrounding countryside and mountains. You’ll cross the Kok river on your way there, head out of town a little further for more spectacular views.
Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday 09.00 - 18.00 (and extra hour on pizza day!). Come and enjoy the great food and atmosphere here. Alcoholic and soft drinks available, tea and coffee too. A regular and popular place for many of the resident expats in Chiang Rai.
Find it here. Want to book a room? Click here. Or visit their website here.