WAI-The Thai form of greeting. 

Thai people will often be seen greeting each other which is whats know as the WAI. Hands put together, like praying, brought up to the forehead and head bowed. Strictly speaking it’s not the same as a hello in the western world. Along with the WAI, SAWASDEE KRUB/KA is spoken as the actual greeting. More on this here at our basic Thai phrases page.

The WAI is more a form of respect between people and respect towards religious images. The most senior partner keeps his head slightly higher than his subordinate, although a WAI may not always be returned. Monks are at the top of Thai social hierarchy but do not return WAIs as a rule.

Senior Thais will WAI more often than youngsters in the presence of westerners. You will see Thais WAI a religious image, temple for example. Youngsters know it’s not in our culture and no disrespect is intended by this. On tours, you may hear vehicles beep their horns 3 times when passing a religious statue. This is a local tradition as the religious image has been set up to guard and protect the traveller.

As a visitor here, feel free to WAI as often as you like. It will often be seen as you are trying to show some respect, never deemed disrespectful. Enjoy the interaction!