Road Eagles Charity School Run

On Monday 11 March there is a ride to the far north-west of Doi Mae Salong to the remote school, Ban Lao MA. A total of 4 hill tribes attend the school from the surrounding villages. I’ll be joining them as a guest as I’ve never made it that far, washed out by heavy rain last time a couple of years ago.

Donations have been made by the club and friends for the various musical instruments purchased, to be delivered to the staff and students there. Close liaison with the head teacher identified the instruments preferred. The school will supply light refreshments on arrival.

We will meet at the Hangover Corner Bar 10.30, departing at 11.00. Most will ride, but there will be a car taking the instruments, if you need a lift, contact Steve at the Hangover Corner Bar in advance. Any size of motorbike, scooter can be used, we will travel safely and allow for the slowest rider, so as to arrive together. This is an open invitation from the club for all riders. Should you wish to contribute a donation, or have any unused instruments the school can make use of, please drop off latest 10.30 on Monday.

The route there is from this link:

Some Google photos of the school here:

On returning to Chiang Rai, the Hangover Corner Bar will open for some 'heavier refreshment' if desired.

I will post a follow-up report later next week.