First time in Chiang Rai

On arrival in Chiang Rai, I noticed it was a lot cooler than the other parts of the country I’d visited previously, I needed a jacket which was a wonderful feeling. The climate here is the coolest in the country. Down to 5 degrees Celsius in winter. In summer, April it is hot and somewhat humid at 34 degrees Celsius. The rainy season starts in May and ends in October.

People are very friendly but in general speak very little English. Out with the phrase book, gestures and smiles from both sides and information is transferred. Conducting yourself respectfully is especially important in Thailand. Thais are shy when met as they are concerned to give a good account of themselves, the language barrier compounds this. Never become frustrated or worse still, angry. This is highly frowned upon as it shows you have lost control of yourself. Nothing will be achieved this way here.

Thought to be a sleepy city, I would say more conservative and laid back compared to other cities in the country. There is so much to see, do eat and drink that the senses are quickly overloaded. There are shopping malls with western fast food outlets, but enjoy the delicious street food found in abundance here. Unlike other parts of the country, the food isn’t too spicy at all. So as I like a little spice, I can order food without asking for a ‘farang’ meal without burning my lips.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Chiang Rai, so much so that I now reside here while not working elsewhere in the world.